Kit List
Recommended kit, don't forget your 'creature comforts!'
Essential Kit
The list below contains the essentials that you should bring as a minimum.
Kit List Downloads
- Camel Bak or other riding Back Pack which should contain:
- Pump
- At least two innertubes
- Bike tools including a chain splitter and relevant power links or chain pins
- 2ltr bladder (minimum). We recommend a 3ltr
- Spare brake pads
- Spare rear mech hanger
- First aid kit
- energy bars or equivalent for emergencies
- Base layer
- Fleece
- Warm jacket
- Long trousers
- Thick socks
- Trainers/Shoes
- Sleeping Bag rated to 0DegC
- Towel
- Torch and power adaptor for charging phones etc.' (Type C)
- Rear mech hanger
- Innertubes
- Brake pads
If you have a bike with unique parts, for example a lefty fork, we will not have the tools or equipment in the support vehicle to repair or service it so you must either be 100% sure it will not fail or bring spares for it. This also applies for 1x11 mechs that cost £300+. Sorry, but we'll not have a spare one of those kicking about!
Spares and other kit
Cost limits availability..
Your bike might cost as much as a house in Morocco! This means that top end spares are not available. Even bolts and bearings are a challenge to find so if something breaks its very unlikely you’ll get an equal replacement. We strongly recommend that ONLY YOU work on your bike, it’s YOUR responsibility to keep it going and YOUR responsibility to look after your kit!