The Week

Profiles and brief descriptions

Technical singletrack in Morocco

A week at Freeride Morocco

We've not put Day One or Day Eight on here as they are arrival and departure days. They are listed in the main menu and contain all the relevant information you might need.

On this page you will find a brief description of each riding day with profiles. Each day is covered in more detail on the main menu pages or by clicking on the profile image, but this will give you a 'quick rundown' of what to expect.

The days may look short, but rest assured, riding on technical singletrack for hours on end is tough and the days just seem to disappear! There is so much singletrack that by the end of the week it all merges into a blur. Photos - and lots of them, are an essential reminder!

Day Two

Day two strava route at Freeridemorcco

This is a great introduction with some very technical singletrack towards the end. Riding through lots of small villages linked by enclosed singletrack and locals looking on in wonder! A unique experience that rides as well as it looks on Go-pro footage.

  • Breakfast at 08:30-09:30
  • On bikes for 11:30-12:30
  • Lunch 12:30-13:30
  • Technical Singletrack 13:30-17:30
  • Dinner 19:30

Day Three

Day three strava route at Freeridemorocco

Optional uplift to the high pass at 2100m, fast singletrack descent, climb, singletrack traverse and descent to the Gite located in some amazing scenery and BIG mountains for a late lunch where we stay for the night. Photoshoot in the afternoon - incredible mountain scenery and red rock.

  • Breakfast at 08:30-09:30
  • Uplift 09:30-10:30
  • Singletrack descent 10:30-13:00
  • Lunch at the Gite 14:30-15:30
  • Mountain singletrack photoshoot until 18:00
  • Dinner 19:30

Day Four

Day four strava route at Freeridemorocco

Epic singletrack all day! Yesterday we gained some height, today we make the most of that. Often a favourite day as the singletrack is fast, flowing and seemingly endless!

  • Breakfast at 08:30-09:15
  • Singletrack riding 09:30-13:30
  • Lunch 13:30-14:30
  • Singletrack traversing 14:30-16:00
  • Optional 8km road section to the Gite 16:00-17:00
  • Dinner 19:30

Day Five

Day five strava route at Freeridemorocco

Today is for the riders with well set-up suspension and legs and lungs looking for a challenge. The climbs are technical, tough and long enough to give you a good workout but not so long you'll be outfaced by them. However, don't think for one minute that there isn't any reward for your effort, the descending today is also exceptional.

  • Breakfast at 08:30-09:30
  • Singletrack riding 10:00-13:30
  • Lunch 13:30-14:30
  • Easy ride to the Gite 14:30-15:30
  • Chill out, relax, sort kit for tomorrows epic
  • Dinner 19:30

Day Six

Day six strava route for Freeridemorocco

Amazing singletrack, singletrack and then some more amazing singletrack!

  • Breakfast at 08:30-09:30
  • Steady climb and 10 minute 'Hike a Bike' to the top pass 09:30-10:30
  • THE MOST AMAZING singletrack 10:45-15:00
  • Lunch 15:00-15:45
  • Optional, steady road ride to the Gite 15:45-16:15
  • Pack bikes for the transfer tomorrow, dinner 20:00

All timings and routes are approximate and subject to change depending on weather conditions, riders' abilities and on-trail events.